
Stock code:833749



 Your Location :  HomeEquipment OTG/ fingerprint testing equipment
  • Introduction
  • Technical Index
  • Feature
OTG/ fingerprint function testing equipment is mainly used in the detection of a series of functions such as mobile phone ordinary charging, fast charging, headphone access, vibration, fingerprint, key, OTG and other intelligent mobile phones.


OTG/ fingerprint function testing equipment is mainly used in the detection of a series of functions such as mobile phone ordinary charging, fast charging, headphone access, vibration, fingerprint, key, OTG and other intelligent mobile phones.

Technical Index

Outer size
UPH 250
Error rate  〈1%
Leakage rate 0.0%
Compatible product size 4.5-6.5寸
Equipment input pressure



Instead of traditional artificial appearance testing. The detection efficiency is higher and the automatic objective judgement of the equipment is not affected by subjective factors, which greatly reduces the false detection rate and the leak detection rate.
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