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Traditional enterprises how to seize the "Big Time," the last straw?

Date:2016/5/20  Click:5381
Internet spawned a large number of Internet companies on the one hand, on the one hand the destruction of a large number of traditional enterprises, profoundly changed the economic landscape. Traditional enterprises gradually wilt potential while also thinking about how under the mighty wave of the Internet, the Internet side of the enterprise's triumph, one side is the traditional enterprise OCS Kangkaibeige, staged a major transformation and restructuring of the times wonderful symphony. With the progressive development of Internet technology as a tool, more and more commercial form by the impact of the Internet. When all these changes deepen and intensify when the Internet is no longer just a technology, but gradually turned into a way of thinking paradigm, it is commonly known as the Internet thinking! In the global triumph of the Internet, many traditional Access to a misunderstanding that companies want to transition is successful, the business community to adapt to the requirements of the mobile Internet era, just open a shop on Taobao or make a micro-blog marketing, in fact, this is a big mistake, these practices can at best be in transition "skin" only.
In 2006, almost all Internet companies are doing rogue software, rogue software leather 360 out of life. 360 is the object of attack was industry, but 360 users welcome. Because 360 do useful things for users, solve the user's problem, the user will naturally support you. Only user support you, you do not have to worry about your company will die. Today, 360 can be made in China's Internet industry a huge market share, a very important reason is that not only do 360 antivirus, but Inter did a lot of practical real antivirus vendors do not want to do, thankless thing, therefore, to obtain a user, then you have to think how to provide users with more value. Internet business is so traditional enterprise even more so, to make consumers happy in your own store shopping for customers to fall in love with you in the store shopping experience, rather than for the benefit of compulsive shopping, resulting in consumption by the negative impact of poor shopping experience! Derivative fire a few years ago is very industry it, why from the beginning of last year, but frequently there are micro-verticals sacked it? Let's not talk on how derivative products alone can do Derivative maxed out your circle of friends that is very annoying, when their own work open WeChat wanted to see what's going on between friends, not wishing, to open a micro-channel circle of friends is blowing derivative scraper more serious is the direct result of cell phone crashes.So when you boot the first thing I want to shield his circle of friends, scraper troubled province. For providers who do micro delusions brought product sales through frequent scraper, in fact, this is a big mistake, if you made it twelve in prime time, perhaps nothing to do friends will see, if there may need to consult, but is bound to cause consumer resentment after you frequently refresh, if consumers experience the difference, and that your product is actually to some extent, have failed! now it appears in the wave of the Internet, more and more traditional companies want to micro-innovation through the Internet to make their own thinking to achieve a qualitative leap, but in fact many of the traditional companies do not understand the true meaning of micro-innovation, micro-innovation is the most important thing empathy, from the user perspective.
Many companies, especially developed to a certain scale company, doing a lot of things will slowly from his departure, I felt myself in respect of a product with the user, to sell their own thing users should always buy little think about how users see. In the face of a great many opponents, we think of the so-called event, opponents have thought, because the opponent is often stronger than you, is often easy to overlook the last little experience, so starting from childhood experience possible to subvert rival !
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